CHF 479.00
13 in stock
Harness the power of your smartphone and take part in a
guided tour through the night sky. There are no
Telescope experience required.
The patented, award-winning StarSense sky detection technology
uses your smartphone to analyze star patterns above you and
Calculate the position of the telescope in real time.
A 114mm parabolic primary mirror helps you take advantage of StarSense technology
to make the most of it.
Locate faint deep-sky objects in seconds and
watch them in more detail than ever before.
A sturdy, Dobsonianian-style table base that allows arrows to be placed on the
screen can be easily guided to the desired destination. When
If the target turns green, it can be seen in the telescope’s eyepiece.
The StarSense Explorer Powered by SkySafari app automatically generates
a list of currently visible objects. Observe brighter
Planets, nebulae and galaxies, star clusters and binary stars from the
city. Or take your telescope to a darker sky to
even more to see.
Includes Kellner 17 mm and 10 mm eyepiece, StarSense smartphone
docking station, StarPointer red dot finder, focuser and
Collimation cap.
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